Monday, November 30, 2009

[Copyblogger] Here’s Hard Data for Headlines that Spread on Twitter


Here's Hard Data for Headlines that Spread on Twitter


Many bloggers already know that Twitter is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your blog.

When I talked to Guy Kawasaki about my book, he called the Tweetmeme Retweet button “the most important button on the web,” because of the enormous traffic-driving power it possesses. With one click, any of your readers can spread your post to hundreds or thousands of their followers.

As a marketer, I, of course, see this as an opportunity for optimization. When I see a powerful tool, my first impulse is to figure out how to make it even more powerful.

When you click that button, Tweetmeme grabs the title of the page it’s on, shortens the URL, and combines the two into a autofilled tweet for posting. Thus, the title of your post becomes the tweet that is shared with a potentially huge number of Twitter users.

If the importance of compelling headlines wasn’t painfully obvious before, it should be now.

Nearly 20% of all “normal” tweets contain a link, yet almost 70% of retweets do. Retweeting is the most common way links are shared on Twitter.

I’ve done research into various factors surrounding retweets and found a handful of factors that you may want to take into consideration when writing headlines for posts that you hope to share and spread on Twitter.

Use nouns and third-person verbs

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When I looked at the parts of speech that occur in retweets versus those that occur in normal tweets, I found that retweets tend to be noun-heavy and use third-person verbs.

This pattern is reminiscent of newspaper headlines. Highly retweetable headlines talk about someone or something doing something.

A headline should never talk about all the things you did yesterday and how you did them, as past-tense verbs and adverbs both lead to far fewer retweets.

The most (and least) retweetable words

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The words that tend to occur more in retweets than in normal tweets are topped by the word “you.”

This means, whenever possible, you should talk directly to your readers. “Top” and “10″ also rank highly, showing that lists do well on Twitter. Not surprisingly, talking about social media and Twitter itself also helps.

image of a chart

On the other side of the coin are the least retweetable words. Random first-person verbs and details about your life, however fascinating you may find it, don’t get a ton of retweets.

Tell me something new

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I compared how common words in retweets are to how often these same common words appear in normal tweets, and found that rare and more novel words are highly retweetable.

When you’re writing your headlines, you should be striving to say something new that breaks through the clutter of everyday chatter.

Don’t be dumb

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I expected to find that retweets were simple and required less intelligence to understand. But my data showed the opposite.

Using two readability metrics, I found that retweets often use longer, more complex words. So don’t try to “dumb down” your headlines for Twitter; users and power retweeters are smarter than you may think.

Stop talking about yourself

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LIWC is a linguistic system designed to identify concepts in pieces of text.

The most striking thing I found when using LIWC to analyze retweets is that self reference does not get a lot of sharing.

In other words, don’t talk about yourself if you want Twitter traffic; talk about your readers.

If you’ve been in social media awhile, you probably already guessed that was the case — now you've got the data to back it up.

About the Author: Get more tips like this and learn about the full range of social media marketing platforms, tool, techniques and strategies from Dan Zarrella’s The Social Media Marketing Book, published by O’Reilly.

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Friday, November 27, 2009

[Copyblogger] Does Speech Recognition Software Actually Work?


Does Speech Recognition Software Actually Work?

image of a hands-free headset

One of my favorite posts from around the web last week came from our own Associate Editor Jon Morrow. He recorded a 20-minute video post for Problogger about how he works with speech recognition software to do all of his blogging.

I do an awful lot of writing every week, and I've been thinking about trying speech recognition out in order to speed up the process. But like most people, I was afraid it was going to be more trouble than it was worth to get it working.

Jon's video made me realize how simple (and inexpensive) it will be for me to make it happen.

Because it was a pretty content-rich video, a lot of folks took a quick look and bookmarked it, thinking to come back to it when they had a little more time. So what better way to spend the Friday-after-a-holiday than eating leftover turkey sandwiches and watching a great how-to post?

(If you're not in the States, you can re-create the effect by overeating wildly today or tonight, drinking just a little too much, pounding down four desserts, having three arguments with your extended family, and then watching the video tomorrow.)

The highlights of the video for me were:

  • The quick-to-install (and cheap) piece of hardware that lets the software actually understand what you're saying.
  • Jon on video! Jon and I have spent a lot of time on the phone, so I’ve gotten to know him fairly well. Getting to hang out with him for a few minutes via video was great, he's a fascinating guy with a lot to say. (The guy can say more with his eyebrows than most people can with a 100-item list post.)
  • The one-stop resource to find the right mic and hardware for your setup.
  • The live demo showing exactly how Jon uses the software to manage his business and blogs.
  • The comical notion that penny-pinching Jon will ever buy a Mac.

I recommend you check it out, I found it tremendously useful:

Speech Recognition for Bloggers: The Ultimate Guide

About the Author: Sonia Simone is Senior Editor of Copyblogger and the founder of Remarkable Communication.

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

[Copyblogger] 10 Things to Be Grateful For


10 Things to Be Grateful For

image of a turkey dinner

I'll admit it. I have a soft spot for Thanksgiving.

First, because it's an excuse for me to bake for three days. (If you need a last-minute recipe for the world's best chocolate cream pie, I've got you covered.)

And second, because it reminds me to quit grumbling and start noticing all of the amazing stuff I've got in my life.

Here's my list of 10 things I would humbly recommend you add to your own "gratitude list" this year. They've done great things for my business and I think they'll do great things for yours.

1. The crummy economy

I know, this seems weird. I'm not discounting the very serious and significant problems this has created for millions of people. One of whom might well be you.

But in cracking open the existing systems and shaking them like an ant farm, the horrible economy has also created some amazing opportunities.

If you think of the big companies as dinosaurs who've just been hit between the eyes with a gigantic meteor, remember that you're the smart, agile, adaptable monkey who's going to inherit the earth.

Frankly, the economy is going to suck for awhile no matter how you feel about it. So you might as well look for the angles that can benefit you.

2. The social web

Brian's not a fan of this term, since of course everything about the web has always been social. It was built by humans, after all.

But there's no question that a revolution in communication technology lets you be social with more people, more easily, over incredible geographic and cultural distances, with less friction than ever before.

Which means you can get the word out about what you do for hardly any money, with no special technical ability, to tens of thousands or even millions of people.

And that's just cool.

3. The quality of free information

Stewart Brand didn't just say "information wants to be free." He also said, "information wants to be expensive, because it's so valuable."

What this boils down to is that a lot of smart people have put together great tips, techniques, and help for you to do just about anything. Very often, they start by selling that information at a hefty price tag, to those for whom it's most valuable.

Then some time goes by, they keep developing their stuff, and they "move the free line" by giving away tremendously valuable information for free.

Yes, the free goodies take time to sift through. Yes, there's a whole lot of junk.

But if you're bootstrapping your project, you can spend a little more time and energy and find the answers you want.

Because the current ethos is "give away incredibly valuable stuff for free to build trust and rapport," you can benefit from that.

You have to choose wisely, of course. Don't spend your time watching or reading anything from people you don't respect or relate to. But if you stick with the people your gut tells you are right for you, you can learn amazing things without spending a dime.

4. The quality of paid information

Because there's so much excellent free material out there, it means that for people who are creating paid information products (membership sites, ebooks, home study courses, etc.), their stuff has to be top notch.

So when you find yourself crossing that line where you've got some spare money but not much spare time, you have increasingly excellent opportunities to educate yourself online.

It doesn't matter whether you're learning to fly fish, climb the corporate ladder, design gardens, potty train your kid, be a happier person, or even (yes) market your business online, there are terrific resources that will teach you to do that for a very reasonable fee. And you can access these courses from virtually anywhere on earth.

5. Twitter search

Companies have taken hundreds of millions of dollars in VC funding to build tools that "listen in" to the conversations buzzing around the Internet.

That's fine, but you can do an amazing job of this for free by signing up for a Twitter account.

Too many people think Twitter is mostly about telling people what kind of sandwich they're having for lunch today. But for smart business people, Twitter is mostly about listening.

Search Twitter for the kinds of phrases your customers tend to talk about. Maybe it's low-carb dessert recipes or finding a karate school for their kids.

You'll find out what they're saying, what kind of language they use to talk about it, what bugs them and what delights them.

These are staggeringly useful things to know when you're trying to market a product or service. And you can get it by spending maybe 6 or 7 minutes a day, for free.

6. Connections with incredible people

Whatever it is you like to blog or write about, there are amazingly cool people who like to blog and write about that, too.

They're posting wonderful articles and interesting perspectives and asking fascinating questions. And you can get to know them just by writing about their stuff (with a link, of course), posting reasonably intelligent comments on their blog, and following them on Twitter.

The smart, funny, snarky, interesting, kind, and entirely wonderful people I've met by blogging have blown me away. And I'm always finding new folks. (That was true before I started writing for a "big blog," by the way. In fact, it's how I started writing for a big blog.)

7. Aweber

Aweber ( is my email newsletter management tool. They do a great job getting mail into in-boxes (mostly because they hate spammers even worse than you do). They have useful tools, a fantastic how-to blog, an easy-to-understand interface, and I can't recommend them highly enough.

A great email autoresponder sequence is my single favorite marketing tool (above a blog, even), and Aweber is the tool I think is best for the job.

8. Backpack

37Signals is another company I think is terrific, and I would be toast without their Backpack product.

Backpack keeps everything I do in one spot. Half-written blog posts, GTD lists, my calendar, reference notes for client projects, wild-hair ideas for new ventures, gardening plans, checklists for things I'm building, even backups of the million ebooks and audio education products I buy.

For me, they have the exact right combination of flexibility and simplicity, at an excellent price. If it doesn't fit into my Backpack, I can probably live without it.

9. My copywriting library

A lot of those "secrets of the internet money-getting zillionaires" came from books you can buy for $12 on Amazon.

You can't make money unless you can persuade someone to pay attention to what you've got, and then build a case for its value. That's copywriting. (It's even copywriting if you're doing it with video.)

Classics like Scientific Advertising and Tested Advertising Methods are joined by newer giants like Robert Cialdini's Influence and Seth Godin's Permission Marketing, and a handful of great web-based references like Gary Bencivenga's Marketing Bullets.

Learning to write great persuasive copy is mostly a matter of studying the techniques (which don't change much, because human nature doesn't change) and then trying them out. There's no "push button" service that will magically do it for you. But the truth is, it's well within your ability. You just have to get out there and start trying it.

10. The Third Tribe

This was an idea that bubbled up on Copyblogger back in February, after we were asked the question "Whose side are you on?"

Brian and I talked about this question quite a bit, and realized that we definitely weren't on the strict yellow-highlighter-squeeze-page side. But we weren't on the "blog for 20 years before you dare to ask anyone for the sale" side either.

So we made up a third side. :)

Actually, it had been there all along, going back four years to when Brian first created this blog. But once you have a label, you find that you start to articulate what you're doing more clearly.

That led directly to the brand-new Copyblogger email newsletter, which kicks off with a 20-part course on how to be an ethical, non-sleazy, relationship-based kumbaya blogger and still make a very nice living. If that sounds like something that would interest you, you can learn more about the newsletter here.

What's on your list?

What are you grateful for this year? What do you think other readers would be grateful for if they knew more about it? Let us know in the comments.

About the Author: Sonia Simone is Senior Editor of Copyblogger and the founder of Remarkable Communication.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Gratitude Communicating to you

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Herzlichen Glьckwunsch Ihre E-Mail-Won-La Primitiva Lotterie(Claim Your-Preis)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

[Copyblogger] 50 Spots Left in the Lateral Action Entrepreneur Course


50 Spots Left in the Lateral Action Entrepreneur Course


A whole bunch of you read the creative entrepreneur report I released last week.

Many of you seemed to like it. But did you know about the Lateral Action entrepreneur course that's about to start?

It looks like we're going to have a great group of charter members for the kick-off of the course – it's an intensive 18 topics designed to give you the head start I wish I had 10 years ago.

Our charter member deal is pretty sweet, so we've decided to limit the size of the group based on response so far. We're cutting off the charter membership group at just 50 more aspiring entrepreneurs.

How sweet is the deal? Charter members not only save 50% off the 2010 enrollment fee, they get access to everything we add to the course in the future – at no additional charge.

Grab your spot before they're gone.

About the Author: Brian Clark is founder of Copyblogger and co-founder of DIY Themes, creator of the innovative Thesis Theme for WordPress. Get more from Brian on Twitter.

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