Friday, January 30, 2009

[Copyblogger] How One Smart Move Can Attract Constant Attention


How One Smart Move Can Attract Constant Attention


What’s the one stat that most bloggers care about the most? Is it page views, visitor location, referring sites or subscribers? I know for me and most other bloggers out there, getting more subscribers is a priority that is pretty high up on the list.

Why? Subscribers are people who have said they want to read or hear what you have to say. They want to stay in touch, probably because you provide value that improves their lives in one form or another. Subscribers are your constant traffic source when you aren’t being flooded with social media traffic and your Google rankings aren’t that great.

In this post, I want to look at a simple method I used to increase my subscribers that you can implement today. More importantly, this is something that is going to continue working for you for years to come if you lay the foundations properly.

Keyword Research

Before you think you’ve heard it all before, bear with me. Keyword research can be time consuming, boring and often result in finding high traffic keywords with a lot of competition. That isn’t what I’m going to share with you today. In fact, this is all about finding keywords with ‘decent’ traffic and minimal competition so that you can easily start to rank in the top 20 results.

First of all, I want you to take a look at the most popular pages of Wikihow. These are the most popular ‘How to’ pages on the whole of the site and can be a great aid for inspiration.

What you should be looking for is “How To’s” that are related to your niche. I most regularly blog on the subject of personal development and self improvement, so I looked for things that could improve peoples’ lives in general. Whatever it is you write about, see if you can find any how to content that relates to your topic. You'll notice that in the first few hundred results, most articles have hundreds of thousands of views. What this means is that although these articles may have had a traffic spike from the likes of Digg or Stumbleupon, to get that much traffic they are probably getting a lot of search engine referrals.

The best thing about search engine referrals is that they are constant and once you’ve put in the work to get them then the visitors are likely to keep coming for a long time. A particular page I found for example was ‘How to Make Friends’ which is perfect for my niche and also a topic I have some knowledge on due to frequent traveling and moving.

Now, once you have some ideas from the list, put your keywords into the Google External Keyword tool. You could of course just search for ‘how to’ but hopefully this exercise has given you some inspiration for niche-relevant phrases that you can use later in this blog post. Make sure when using this tool that you use the exact match feature so you can get a more realistic count for search volume.

Once you’ve found a keyword that is related to your niche, and a phrase that gets 1,000+ exact match queries per month then you are ready for the next part. As a side note, do a quick search on Google to check out the competition, or in other words, see how difficult it would be to rank for this phrase. What you are looking for is:

  • How many sites in the top results have your phrase in the title
  • How ’strong’ the domains in the rankings are - i.e. is very strong
  • How many backlinks pages in the 6-10 positions have

It should be easy to tell with this criteria whether a phrase relating to your niche and ‘how to’ is going to be easy to rank for or not.

Creating an Ebook (Writing Time!)

Once you have your keyword you need to provide a solution, an answer. Most search queries out there are people looking for solutions to their problems or queries and they’ll often do quite a lot to get an answer.

In my case I decided to spend most of a day (Saturday to be specific) and write up an eBook on how people could solve what they were looking for, how to make friends. My eBook is 24 pages, although yours doesn’t have to be that long. The reason that I mentioned this should be relevant to your niche earlier is because you should have some knowledge on the subject as you are the one who is going to have to solve the problem.

I used Open Office (free) to create the eBook which has an export to PDF creator built in. It also keeps all backlinks which most PDF creators don’t, so I highly recommend it.

Setting Up Your Landing Page

I mentioned that I was going to help you increase your RSS subscribers and this is exactly what I’m highlighting now. First of all, you want to make sure that your landing page, whether it is a static html page or blog post is optimized well for on-site SEO. When I set up my ‘How to Make Friends’ page I made my URL and the title only included those keywords.

One other thing I did on the landing page was create a simple graphic of the eBook for download to help people visualize what they would be getting. You can pay $20 on Digitalpoint Forums to get one of these made or if you have Photoshop do a quick search for eBook actionscript on Google and you’ll find some nice solutions. I actually made mine myself.

So, what I did here is put together a simple landing page showing off the new eBook, with its graphic and an email subscription box in order to receive it for free. This subscription box was linked directly to my feedburner email sign-up. I also mentioned on the page that this would sign people up for my regular updates but that they would not be spammed and could unsubscribe at any time (because this is true).

Getting Links & My Results

There are hundreds if not thousands of articles on how to get links so I’m not going to be going into detail here. Basically, for those with no SEO knowledge, links are one of the most important factors in getting a page to rank in the search engines. In theory you want to get as many relevant links as you can pointing to your page with the anchor text being the same as the title of your page ‘how to ….’.

Once you’ve done this, within a few weeks you should start to be getting traffic and feed subscribers. For me, the results were a lot more sudden so you could experience the same result. First of all, within a week of setting up the page I had already received hundreds of targeted visitors to the page:

Search Results

(Over 2,000 now)

Bear in mind that most of this traffic came from ranking on the second page of Google. I’ve recently moved up to position 8 on the first page of results.

This traffic also led to an increase in feed subscribers. Remember that within 5 months of the site launching I had managed to grow to around 500 subscribers, not an amazing achievement but not bad either. Since implementing this however, I gained over 100 subscribers in just over a week, and it brings me new subscribers on a continual basis.

Subscriber Increase

Now, don’t just read this and procrastinate; actually get out there and do it, and start creating your own results rather than being a spectator to the results of others. There is so much potential in this and I actually have another one lined up. The day I spent writing the eBook should benefit me for years to come.

About the Author: Glen Allsopp writes on the subject of Personal Development over at PluginID. His aim is to help people ‘plug into their identity’ and find their true potential.

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

[Copyblogger] The Pick-Up Artist Guide to Effective Online Marketing


The Pick-Up Artist Guide to Effective Online Marketing

Digits Scored

A beautiful woman sits alone at a bar. She’s had a long day. Clients were difficult, work piled up, and she scrambled frantically to get it all done. Now she’s tired and trying to unwind.

On either side of the woman sits a man. One is wearing a fancy suit, a gold watch, and has a briefcase next to him. The other man wears a baseball cap, a t-shirt, jeans and sneakers.

The man in the fancy suit starts talking to the woman. He tells her about his credentials and diplomas. He mentions his Ivy League education and his top marks. He’s impressive, and he doesn’t mind letting her know.

He talks about last year’s deals, each worth at least a million dollars. He bandies some big names around, and tells the woman how he has personal connections to each one. He mentions his luxurious apartment, his five cars, and his success stories.

Then he hands the woman a sleek business card with bold, gold lettering. He asks for her card in exchange and mentions that if he gets it, he’ll put her on his list of preferred customers (along with other hinted perks).

The woman turns to the other man in the baseball cap. The man strikes up conversation and asks the woman about her day. He listens to her answers. He asks more questions. He lets her lead the conversation, and he expresses empathy, nodding and telling her he understands how she feels.

The conversation revolves around the woman and the problems she faced. The man never talks about himself at all. He offers the woman some suggestions that might help tomorrow be a better day.

Who do you think got the woman’s number?

About the Author: James is the smokin’ copyslinger picking up numbers over at Men with Pens. He's the co-authorThe Ultimate Freelancer, too.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

[Copyblogger] SpeedBlogging: How To Write Better Posts In Less Time


SpeedBlogging: How To Write Better Posts In Less Time


“SpeedBlogging” is a term I use for a four-step system I work with to write better posts or articles in less time.

And no, I don’t mean just for articles under 300 words, I mean this system works for much longer articles or posts too. Articles that engage, inform, and entertain your blog community.

So here are the four steps each guided by a traffic sign:


Under Construction

Yes, your article is now “Under Construction.”

Most people dramatically reduce their productivity and efficiency because they are busy trying to chase down their muse. So the goal is to always have inspiration at your fingertips. I recommend starting an “Idea Bank.”

And “Idea Bank” is a paper file folder where you keep have your ideas and photos or images that come to your mind. Also have a second “Idea Bank” in your computer—”Idea Bank 2.”

What I mean by this is that you write all ideas down ‘as they come to you’ when your muse whispers in your ear. Because ideas are fleeting they must be recorded.

So, carry around a small notepad and pen, keep it in your pocket, backpack, purse or briefcase. For some people, they get ideas in the middle of the night—if that applies to you, then put the pad and pen nightstand next to your bed.

Then, simply tear off the notepad pages and put them into your “Idea Bank” folder. This is also a perfect place for newspaper or magazine clippings that inspire you—whether for an idea to write about, or research for an article, or an image idea that would be a good accompaniment for an article.

Your “Idea Bank 2″ is when you type down ideas into a computer file folder when you are already at the computer. Or, if while you are working at the computer you get inspired by a particular graphic or photo—then record where it was, and later you can see if you can purchase the use of that graphic or photo and check out all copyright laws pertaining to it.

You will be very surprised as to how many ideas you quickly amass with this step. Then later, your Blog Editorial Calendar will be jam-packed with articles that you gleaned from your two “Idea Banks.”

Step 2 - ONE WAY

One Way

For blogging, “list articles” are currently the most popular article format, and they happen to be the fastest to write. It’s only one of many ways to do it, but it’s quick and easy.

Just write out 5 to 10 key points related to your topic. Then write a paragraph of explanation for each point.

You can begin the topic for the article in numerous ways, here are a few:

  • Pose a question
  • Begin with a quotation
  • Offer a review
  • A “Top 10 List”
  • A synopsis of a breaking-news item
  • Discuss pros and cons to an issue
  • Say what problem you will solve for the reader and tell them how to do it

Step 3 - YIELD

One Way

Forget that old-school linear-thinking outline for your next article. Here’s the secret: Instead use a more fun, efficient, and hip way to do your outline that enhances your mental performance—a mind-map

A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea. It is used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision making, and writing.(Source: Wikepedia.)

Mind-mapping is a fast, easy, fluid, organic process that promotes creativity. Mind-maps show the shape of the topic in a two-dimensional structure that illustrates the way in which facts relate to one another while prioritizing individual points. A mind-map presents information in a visual format that shows the overall structure—a “map” if you will—of your article subject.

Mind-mapping brings freedom to bloggers because with this tool, they don’t worry about where to begin, they just begin! Mind-mapping is an especially freeing tool for bloggers who tend to be perfectionists and procrastinators who have a hard time beginning a project. Mind-mapping works well for them because it doesn’t feel intimidating like a traditional outline often does.

By using the mind-mapping technique, these bloggers know they don’t have to worry about a particular order, and that worry (fear) no longer blocks them from beginning nor slows down their progress, since they feel confident in that they can always add more branches to their map!

To learn more about how to mind-map you can easily find websites, books and even new software that explains the mind-mapping technique in depth.

Step 4 - NO PARKING!

No Parking

That’s right, no parking—you heard it—move on. That is, write and finish! There is NO SUCH THING AS WRITERS BLOCK.

Writer’s block feels real, but it is just the mask hiding the fear of the person ‘experiencing’ it—they’re scared that if they write something down and show it to the world then that means they are vulnerable to others people’s opinions—and that what they wrote down is now “committed” to paper or blog and now they are open to possible ‘failure.’

Forget people-pleasing—that is a no-win trap. Just write and commit. Click on “Publish.” And then start writing your next post.

There are no stop signs or red lights on your road now; it’s a “green light” all the way.

About The Author: Mara Rogers writes Secrets For Money, a personal finance blog that gives you tips to make more money, save more money, and manage your money.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

[Copyblogger] 5 Steps to Going Viral on Twitter


5 Steps to Going Viral on Twitter


Back in 2006 when Brian wrote the Viral Copy report, Twitter didn't even exist. Now Twitter is a force that any serious web publisher needs to reckon with in order to gain maximum exposure for content.

Twitter is changing the way information spreads online. Links that would have been blogged a couple of years ago are now more often shared via the micro-blogging service instead, which fundamentally changes strategy when trying to get content to spread.

Publishers can complain and wistfully wish for the good old days of blog links and Google juice, or they can adapt to the new reality Twitter represents. Getting your content "ReTweeted" on Twitter (i.e. getting people to repeat what you've said, usually along with a link) can drive significant quality traffic to your site, which in turn can boost your subscriber numbers.

So, how does ReTweeting happen, anyway? Well, here are the 5 factors you need to take into account when trying to get your content to spread virally on Twitter.

1. Call to Action

ReTweeting is an action you wish your readers to take, and, like any other action, the best way to persuade people to do it is to ask them to. And when a user ReTweets your content, they’re very likely to also repost your call to action, lending it their credibility and influence.

Twitter ReTweets

My research has shown that the word “please” occurs in ReTweets far more often than it occurs in other Tweets. A quick look at the text of the most ReTweeted Tweets in my ReTweet mapper shows that the explicit “please ReTweet” is the most common call to action and occurs in a large number of ReTweeted messages. In the interest of brevity it typically comes in the form of “please RT;” again, when your message is ReTweeted by a new user, they are in effect asking their followers to ReTweet it for them.

Other common calls to action that frequently occur in the most ReTweeted Tweets include variations of the following:

  • Check out…
  • Follow this person
  • Please vote
  • Help me
  • Questions, e.g. “What do you think of…”

2. Timing

Twitter ReTweets

My research into ReTweeting as well as other forms of viral content sharing indicates that there is a window of time during which sharing occurs more often. The first few days of the business week, Monday through Wednesday, typically see more ReTweeting than Thursday, Friday and the weekend.

Time of day also seems to be important; between 9am and 6pm EST the amount of ReTweets sees a sharp increase. So if you want your content to be ReTweeted it is advisable to post it during that window.

3. Links

Twitter ReTweets

The data also showed that almost 70% of all ReTweets contain a link. This is good news for marketers in that it demonstrates that the mechanism of ReTweeting is an acceptable way to spread your off-Twitter content, and it tells us that a link is an important ingredient to ReTweetable Tweets.

4. Social Proof

Twitter ReTweets

Nearly every form of viral sharing that I’ve looked into includes some form of social proof. Humans have a natural tendency towards imitation, especially of those who they assume have more or better information than themselves. The likelihood of a tweet being ReTweeted increases dramatically each time it is ReTweeted.

So one tactic to increasing your ReTweetability could be to message or otherwise persuade other users to ReTweet your content for you, in order to stimulate further organic ReTweeting. This can be especially powerful if you can get well known users to share your content, as they’ll then be lending their authority and reach to your message as well as your calls to action.

5. Value

Every “social media expert” tells you that you have to “add value” in social media, and while I’ve been guilty of this a few times myself, “value” is far too nebulous a word to be considered useful advice. In the context of ReTweets, value comes in a variety of formats, and by looking at the most ReTweeted tweets I’ve been able to deduce a few common, concrete examples:

  • How Tos and Instructional Content
  • News, especially breaking news
  • Warnings (like the DM phishing scam)
  • Freebies and Contests

What about you? Have you found any other factors and tactics that seem to get your message ReTweeted?

About the Author: Dan Zarrella is a social, search, and viral marketing scientist with a background in web development.

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