How to Write an Ebook that Sells in 2009You'll see one theme come up again and again on Copyblogger. If you want to create real revenue with your blog, you need to have something worthwhile to sell. Most sites are disappointed by the nickels and dimes that come in from advertising. If your site gets massive amounts of traffic, it can work, but if not, you'll want to find a much more profitable source of revenue. But most of us find that it's not all that easy to translate high-quality content from your blog into a high-quality product for sale. Four or five years ago, you could have slammed together an ebook over the weekend and created a decent income with it. But in the current environment, buyers are more careful with their money, and you've got an awful lot of competition. The good news is, most of your competitors still think it's 2003, and most of their products are astoundingly lame. And there are still lots of buyers who need to solve their most pressing problems. So there are still plenty of opportunities to monetize with an ebook. But it has to be terrific. So what makes a terrific ebook?For an ebook to work in this climate, it needs to:
The enemy of the successful ebookSo to create an ebook that works today, you've got a few more steps to take. First you've got to research your market. Then you need to build a list and drive buying readers to your blog. (There can be a big difference between fans and customers.) Then research, outline, and actually write the book. And then you've got to figure out the whole launch thing: creating buzz, recruiting and managing affiliates, writing a sales page. We bloggers are pretty good at taking action. We can do any of these things individually. And to tell you the truth, none of them is all that hard. But take them all together and we find ourselves overwhelmed. Before we know it, it's been six months or a year, and we're still trying to make it happen. Not because it's beyond our abilities, but because without a detailed map, it's easy to get lost in the process. How to get it doneWhen I first picked up How to Launch the **** Out of Your Ebook, I didn't read it right away. I figured I knew everything that would be in there, and I had so much on my plate. When I finally got around to taking a close look at it, I was surprised. This wasn't a simple connect-the-dots guide for newbies. There was real meat here. A lot of which was, in fact, incredibly useful to me. I know the course creators and I've been consistently impressed with them, so it's not like I thought it was going to be garbage. But I was still surprised at how extensive the course turned out to be. How to Launch the **** Out of Your Ebook was created by launch expert Dave Navarro and small business marketing rockstar Naomi Dunford. (Don't worry, it isn't full of curse words despite Naomi’s involvement. In fact, I think the missing word is Heck, don't you?) In five concise modules, How to Launch covers the entire process of writing an ebook that sells.
The course is quite comprehensive, so I won't bog this post down with the entire table of contents. But the thing that impressed me most was that wherever you might happen to get stuck, they've got the information to get you moving again. True confessions
The worst confession is how long I've been sitting on this, because I've been meaning to review it for ages. But in light of the conversations Brian and I have been having about what kind of material we'll be recommending from this point forward, I thought this was just about the perfect time. Click here to get more details about How to Launch the **** Out of Your Ebook. About the Author: Sonia Simone is Senior Editor of Copyblogger and the founder of Remarkable Communication. |
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