Friday, March 20, 2009

[Copyblogger] Want to Know the Real Reason Why You Write?


Want to Know the Real Reason Why You Write?

Why Write?

What is it that makes you want to slave over an article or a blog post, to get your point across and to have other people read your words? What is it that makes you – or any of us for that matter - want to write?

I got to thinking about it when a commenter on a previous post said that most people would love to write because there's some kind of natural pull towards writing. I was also intrigued when I saw that established and well known bloggers Holly Hoffman and Jamie Harrop both started up brand new blogs last week, with subjects close to their hearts.


Because their old blog was no longer a complete fit with what they wanted to say and how they wanted to say it.

By blogging and writing for some time, they both found their "thing" – the thing that they get the most pleasure from writing about and the thing that they really connect with. Through the act of writing they found what they really wanted to write about.

There's an amazing line from the movie "Lady in the Water", by M. Night Shyamalan. In this standout scene, the mesmerizing Bryce Dallas Howard softly asks Paul Giamatti:

May I say one thing?

The moment a person finds their voice…is the moment their life takes on grace.

That line is something I'll always remember, for one simple reason.

Finding your voice is not optional if you want to live a rich, confident life and if you want to be a great writer.

Grace is simplicity, effortlessness and congruity

Think about it for a moment. What are you speaking with before you find your voice? What are you saying and what message are you delivering? And just who are you being before you find your voice?

Before that happens your writing will be more constructed, abstracted, intellectualized. It'll probably feel more of a struggle to get the words onto the page for the simple reason that you're missing something fundamental.


Both Holly and Jamie mentioned this very thing when explaining their need to start a new blog – that they needed to write about what they really wanted to write about, and to get a better fit by moving away from the constraints of their previous blog.

Perhaps you're experiencing something similar

If so, things might not feel like they fit. Your life might be full of clutter and you might feel like you're searching for something, drifting through with no real plan or agenda. You might feel, in those quiet moments, that something's missing.

You'll be living and working, but you'll also be dying a slow, safe death.

And all because you haven't found your voice; the voice that gives you elegance, ease, a sense of wholeness and a message that matters to you.

It's that voice that gives you the confidence to do things your way, follow what matters and relax into yourself and your writing.

And I think that's it; that's why we all want to write – to be able to talk with our real voice and for that voice to be heard. You write so that your voice can become bigger than just one person.

So get writing.

About the Author: As a leading confidence coach with clients right around the world, Steve Errey has a reputation for talking sense and getting results. Get more from him at The Confidence Guy.

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