Sunday, June 8, 2008

[Copyblogger] Two Great Books for Internet Entrepreneurs


Two Great Books for Internet Entrepreneurs

I read a lot of books, but I rarely do book reviews. I get a lot more enjoyment out of reading books across a broad spectrum of topics and mashing them up in my head to develop new ideas than I do talking about individual titles.

But that’s not very nice of me, now is it?

Many of the books I read have nothing to do with the Internet or marketing, and those are often the best places to find interesting intersections that lead to innovative ideas. But today I'll start with two books that are specifically about blogging and Internet entrepreneurship.

ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income

Problogger Book

I've been sweating this one a bit, since Darren and Chris are friends of mine. I never had a doubt that the book would be good, but I wanted to actually read it first, and well… I've been a bit busy.

True to my expectations, this is a no-brainer purchase. If you're blogging for bucks, it's required reading. But if you're a business blogger or blogging to spread ideas, the tips and strategies that Darren and Chris share outside of direct blog monetization are relevant to you, too.

Of course, the Problogger site contains most of this information, scattered throughout the archives. But blogs are really bad when it comes to seeing the overall picture, and books are great for cover-to-cover knowledge transfer and ongoing desk reference. And it's less than $17 bucks, so pick this one up if you haven't already.

Buy now from Amazon.

Internet Riches: The Simple Money-Making Secrets of Online Millionaires

Internet Riches Book

Frankly, I was a bit skeptical about this book based on the title. Too many shoddy books are pushed out every year that proclaim to share the secrets of making money online, only to deliver overly simplistic and even dangerously incorrect information.

In this case, no worries. Scott Fox knows what he's talking about, and he's actually built profitable websites for well-known people (although he might want to quit bragging about Bill O'Reilly :-). Moreover, Fox goes into detail on aspects of Internet entrepreneurship that are often glossed over—namely, business models and other nuts and bolts aspects of running a real business, not just maintaining a blog or website.

So, even though Fox chose a title that makes even the likes of me cringe, this is a more-than-worthy addition to your reading list. I found that it's a great complement to the Problogger book. Darren and Chris are much more on target about specifics related to content and community, but Scott nails the crucial business elements that people often fail to consider.

Buy now from Amazon.

About the Author: Brian Clark is the founding editor of Copyblogger, and co-founder of Teaching Sells and Lateral Action.

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