We've been doing a bad job at linking out lately. I could give you plenty of excuses, but that doesn't change the fact that it's my job as editor to make sure we're following our own philosophies, and linking out to others is definitely part of the Copyblogger culture.
So to kick off what will hopefully be a returning regular feature, here are ten cool links to free stuff that will benefit both bloggers and copywriters.
- A-List copywriter John Carlton is giving away tons of step-by-step copywriting case studies, plus four detailed reports… all for free. It's part of the promotion for Carlton's Simple Writing System, which I heard cool things about directly from John when I met him this summer. Hopefully I'll have a review for you soon, but for now, grab the free stuff.
- Maki discusses the future of content in the age of information overload over at Dosh Dosh. Insightful stuff as always.
- Darren does a great job of outlining his social media structure at Problogger with Home Bases and Outposts - How I use Social Media in My Blogging.
- Check out The Internet Marketing Handbook from SEOMoz… a lot of work went into this, and it's incredibly useful.
- Why Authority Bloggers Are Best Placed to Weather Economic Storms by Chris Garrett. Chris and I will hopefully collaborate and elaborate on this great post soon.
- The talented Jeff Sexton asks if your headlines are offensive. Come on, you know you have to click through on that one.
- A great post from Copyblogger contributor Dean Reick over at his blog – The Power of Color in Direct Marketing.
- Michel Fortin tells us why you shouldn't forget to include a P.S. in your copy.
- Five Things You Didn't Know About Shakespeare. There are at least five hooks for blog posts in these fun factoids… or just treat it as a diversion that actually makes you smarter.
- Is Your Blog Worthy of a $10,000 Scholarship? Why not find out?
P.S. If you missed the Clayton Makepeace webinar about marketing strategies that work in tough economic times, you can now watch it for free right here. Or just grab the audio, slides, or all three (no opt-in required).
About the Author: Brian Clark is the founding editor of Copyblogger, and co-founder of DIY Themes and Lateral Action. Get more from Brian on Twitter.

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