Thursday, August 28, 2008

[Copyblogger] Improved Thesis Theme for WordPress (Plus a Free Bonus Theme)


Improved Thesis Theme for WordPress (Plus a Free Bonus Theme)

Thesis WordPress Theme

Just a quick note to let you know that Chris Pearson and I (ok… Chris) has added significant new power and flexibility to the Thesis Theme for WordPress. There's also a special offer that runs through the weekend (at least you can thank me for that).

Here's what's new with this latest update to Thesis (which should be live and available by the end of the day):

  • New “Design Options” panel allows you to customize fonts and font sizes all across the theme. Testing different typographical combinations has never been this easy on the Web, and this is a feature that should appeal to designers and non-designers alike because you can play around in a non-destructive, non-code environment. Best of all, no reinventing of the wheel is required—the resulting typography is expertly constructed no matter what font/size combination you choose.
  • The Layout constructor in the new “Design Options” panel allows you to select a 1, 2, or 3 column layout AND to specify the width of your content column. When used in conjunction with the font selector, the layout constructor yields a nearly endless set of design possibilities. Now, your Thesis doesn’t have to look like the next guy’s, and you don’t have to code anything to make it happen.
  • New </code> tag constructor allows for detailed title customization through the options panel.</li> <li>Plus a bunch of tweaks and improvements based on suggestions from the Thesis community.</li> </ul> <p>And believe it or not… there's another Thesis upgrade coming next week. Color customization is on the way with multiple pre-defined theme color schemes plus a template for your own easy custom color scheming. </p> <p>Of course, once you join the Thesis community, you get every upgrade at no extra charge, so no need to hold out for a better version. Good thing, because…</p> <h3>Get the Upcoming Cosmo Magazine-Style Theme… Free</h3> <p>We've been quietly running a special offer that's good through the end of the weekend, but then it's gone. When you join the Thesis community before August 31, 2008, you not only get all the goodness that is Thesis, plus all that amazing support, you also get the innovative new Cosmo magazine-style theme at no extra charge (Cosmo is coming late September).</p> <p><a href="">Check out the details here</a>, but remember… Monday's too late.</p> <hr ><center><a href=''><img src='' alt="Performancing Ads" title="Performancing Ads"></a></center></p> <p><a href=""><img src="" border="0"/></a></p><div class="feedflare"> <a href=""><img src="" border="0"/></a> <a href=""><img src="" border="0"/></a> <a href=""><img src="" border="0"/></a> <a href=""><img src="" border="0"/></a> </div><img src="" height="1" width="1" ><br><div style="font-size: 8pt; ">• <a href=";22784;;Improved Thesis Theme for WordPress (Plus a Free Bonus Theme);354568">Email to a friend</a> • <a title="See related articles to this one based on reader votes" href="">Related</a> • <a title="View comments" 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